Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sketching + podcasts: Wo ist der Banhof?

My messy studio.

I am racing to get my illos finished for the book i'm working on while listening to two podcasts: both of which I find very adorable due to the earnestness of the podcasters.
Learn German podcast
is run by a fellow named Stephan in Munich. Tonight I learned how to ask Wo is der Bahnhof? amongst many other helpful phrases.

military history podcastis the creation of George Hageman a keen student in Seattle who started it when he was 13 years old! How adorable is that! Here is an article written about him in the Seattle Times.
I have one thing to say to both Stephan + George and that is LONG LIVE the NERD. You make our lives better. THANKS.

ps. If any readers have been to Berlin recently and would like to recommend some cozy cafes, design stores -- or anything else - Don't hold back! I leave in 4 days.

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